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Holistic Weight Management Program

Our Coaches started work on supporting patients with weight problems in the Harmony Medical Weight Management Program in Lamont and Edmonton (Alberta), more than TWENTY YEARS AGO. With a holistic approach, they were addressing the people’s root problems and in the process supporting them in regaining health.

The premise upon which our Coaches work with the Clients with weight issues is to understand the Client’s life circumstances and allow the Client to ascertain the roots of their problems. Our experience is that there is one or more root cause as to why one gained the weight. With this knowledge, the Clients supported by the coaches focus on making a step-wise behavior changes. The weight measurement is not as important, as the weight will slowly go away with practiced and ever improving lifestyle behaviors. When the weight be gone, an individual plan for sustaining the successful behavioral changes is co-created and the clients still are supported, sometimes for several months. With clients being accountable to themselves for their results, the clients can taste the joy of their own success as they themselves made their transformation journey with the coach on the side as a trusted companion!

Both our holistic health coaches have practical experience from the Harmony Medical Institute where the program was designed. They both are also certified as the Weight Management Specialists of the American Council on Exercise.  The value of this certification is paramount for their work with clients as it blends their experience with truly outstanding state-of-the art coaching knowledge gained through the ACE Specialist Program.

The proper weight management is not to tell a client what to eat and how much and how to exercise. The key is to find with the client a bare-bone honest truth as to the roots of the problem in a safe, non-judgemental atmosphere. The empowered client is then able to see their live through a different lens and come to create amazing behavioral recovery plan. The steps to wellness, small and very small, translate in a persistent self-discovery trek on a wellness pathway, with lifestyle changes often easier than expected. Sustainable weight loss is coming and the practice of the newly gained healthy lifestyle habits is crucial. With great pleasure we quote one of our patients who decided to make a change in her life stating “I HAVE TO UNLEARN THE THINGS THAT WERE EASY IN MY LIFE AND I AM EAGER TO LEARN TO DO THE THINGS THE CORRECT WAY”…”SO I WILL BE HEALTHY AND HAPPY”.

We know and share that weight management is not buying a “magic pill” or a supplement “burning your fat”. Neither is putting people into the “diet thing”  or into the “exercise mode”. These simplifications usually do not work by themselves and if they even helped some to drop the weight off, the sustainable changes are very rare. We coach the clients healthy lifestyles including the art of practicing remedies for emotional eating, sensible and mindful eating modalities. This is the only way to undo the unhealthy aspects of living our busy lives in the toxic and very stressful environment we are all exposed to. Simple changes do not touch the roots of the problem, overzealous weight correction never works. What works for the people is to offer them a full empathy, no judgement and invite to start a self-discovery process. As holistic health coaches we do appreciate the complexity of people lives, with ever complex body-mind-soul connections and people paying the ultimate price of lost health due to often putting their needs behind needs of other family members. This is why we strive to support people truly interested and ready to claim back their happy lives and start with us their transformation journey.

We invite those who feel that they like to share with us their concerns regarding their excessive body weight and are interested in making a change, to book with one of our coaches a Discovery Session. 

If you are not ready to book a discovery session but have some questions first please ask us by using the form below….

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