Our coaches work with clients of different ages and levels of fitness. Their work is to support the Clients in achieving and sustaining goals for regular daily exercise. There is a large body of evidence that regular daily exercise performed at the MODERATE intensity in amounts of at least 150 min per week and minimum of 75 min a week at the VIGOROUS intensity is beneficial to health. To accomplish this seemingly easy-to-achieve target, one needs to get engage in any of numerous popular aerobic exercise activities on at least three days per week. These aerobic exercises may include brisk walking, jogging, running, playing group sports like basketball or volleyball, tennis, table tennis, kayaking, spinning (in a gym) and cycling (riding a bike), kayaking and SUP-ing (Standing Upright Paddleboarding) or surfing to name only few possibilities. As these exercises improve cardiovascular capacity but not benefit adequate muscle strength and endurance, the regular aerobic exercises need to be augmented by regular exercising main group of body muscles with resistance training as well as stretching exercises.
With all public and personal gyms, fitness apps, parks and other recreational facilities enabling to regularly engage in exercises, and widely promoted recreational physical activity and exercise in particular, only 20% of North Americans meet the above standards. This means that ¾ of the adult population is more or less sedentary with a some large portion not doing any physical activity at all. This is all happening with readily available knowledge as to adverse health effects, deconditioning, gradual and relentless gain of body weight, poor sleep, other sleep disorders, chronic pain, fatigue, deterioration of mental health, a plague of chronic diseases encroaching on the sedentary population. Indeed, by neglecting the body’s need for regular, adequate length and intensity of exercise, a crisis of health consequences of sedentary lifestyle deepens with every decade. Lack of regular body exercises causes not only chronic diseases, and is a co-factor in epidemic of obesity and diabetes, but also deprives people of the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and life enjoyment. Thus, there is no wellness without a regular exercise.
Coaches of the Heavenly assist clients with exercise in a tri-fold approach. Exercise is an important component of our programs designed to prevent or optimize management of chronic diseases (diabetes, excessive weight, hypertension, dyslipidemia, arthritis) and specific conditions like sleep problems, excessive stress. Second, our coaches work with the clients who specifically wish to improve their fitness level and they work on achieving their exercise goals. A key component is discovering activities that the client LOVES to engage in. Third, in our dedicated program for weight loss, our coaches assist clients in very gradual increase of their physical activity by introducing simple exercise goals as chosen by the clients. In all situations, the clients are supported by the coaches in setting appropriate exercise goals and reaching them by working on behavioral habit modification that is a key mechanism for achieving and later sustaining these goals. In our work we offer coaching sessions remotely (during the Pandemic to address appropriate restrictions) and recommend use of valuable fitness apps.
For clients who want to acquire services of a personal Fitness Trainer, we can make that referral. If a given client has a specific disability and a pain preventing from performing exercise, such a client is being referred to a Physician for a diagnosis/treatment of the condition, and may also referred to a Physiotherapist or a Medical Exercise Specialist.
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