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Our service is to provide support to Clients willing to make lifestyle changes to accomplish healthier and more fulfilling life.
Our Holistic Wellness Coaches guide the Clients to facilitate sustainable behavioral changes needed to regain harmony in life, improve sleep, reduce stress, lose weight and to reduce risks of developing numerous chronic diseases like hypertension, heart diseases, dyslipidemia, diabetes mellitus type 2, metabolic syndrome and to improve insulin resistance.
For the Clients who already have developed one or more of these chronic diseases, we guide the Clients to acquire new healthier lifestyle behaviors leading to improving control of these conditions and even rolling them back.
Our experienced and certified Health Coaches work with Clients using virtual sessions on Zoom or Facetime platforms.
The Coaches partner with Clients and guide them towards making healthy lifestyle behavioral changes.
The Clients, being experts as to their own lives and problems, remain in the driver’s seat; the Coach facilitates the transformation process.
This process starts from Clients getting to the roots of her/his health problems and co-creating with a Coach an individualized goal plan that consists of several small and achievable steps.
As the Client is moving forward, the Coach provides a feedback enabling the Client to overcome setbacks, avoid barriers to success and reach the anticipated goals with their health and wellness benefits.
The sessions are offered in a safe, confidential atmosphere and in full respect to the Client’s autonomy.
The sessions are usually scheduled in weekly intervals and may be augmented by emails.
The Client and Holistic Wellness Coach work in partnership until accomplishing the goals and making sure that the implemented changes in lifestyle behaviors are sustainable.
The coaching takes anywhere from few weeks to several months and even longer.
The Coach, with the Client’s permission, collaborates with other healthcare providers for the Client like Physiotherapist, Family Physician, Chiropractor.
The Health and Wellness Coaches are bound in their work by the Code of Ethics for the Wellness Coaches.
Their main modality of work is to support the Client.
This is done through an artful discussion leading to Client seeing her/his own life and health issues through a different lens, becoming empowered, and co-creating with the Coach an action plan for behavior changes.
The Coach is a guide on the side, provides a safe nonjudgement space for the Client, and is a trusted travel companion for the Client in her/his transformation journey.
The Health Coach does not prescribe medications, give a medical advice, offer counseling, sell supplements or tell the Clients what to do.
We use the terms Health Coach and Holistic Wellness Coach interchangeably in our writings.
However, there are, in our opinion, some important differences between the above two professions.
Each certified Health Coach and Holistic Wellness Coach work with their Clients to replace the unhealthy lifestyle behaviors with the desired healthy ones that address areas of nutrition and fitness (regular exercise).
A Holistic Wellness Coach has training enabling them to work out even very complex connections between numerous conditions and symptoms the Client may have.
For example, when a Client presents for addressing the issue of say, having no energy and feeling sluggish, other conditions and symptoms will be thoroughly reviewed (like sleep, work situation, relationships, stress levels and their effect of health, etc.).
This will allow the Client to get to the root of their issues and through a coaching process come up with solutions represented by a set of goals.
Health Coaches work with Clients on lifestyle modifications, especially by addressing nutrition and fitness, overall targeting habits for eating and daily exercise.
For the Clients who hired a Health Coach from their own volition, Wellness Coaches work with Clients and with their consent, a health coach can inform the Client’s Doctor as to lifestyle behavioral changes the Client is working on.
Also, the Wellness Coaches accept Clients who were advised by their physicians or other health care provider that they need to improve their lifestyle needed; for example, to improve control of hypertension, lose weight, optimize management of diabetes, osteoarthritis, gout, stress management, sleep habits and many other conditions.
Physiotherapist is a primary health care specialist with expertise in assessing and improving through prescribing exercises and application of physical treatments (extending Range of Motion, application of Heat/Cold packs, manual manipulation, dry needling) targeted at the improvement of conditions causing ambulation and posture problems, chronic pain and several other conditions like recovery from surgery.
A Health Coach, being a specialist in lifestyle behavior modification, can aid the Client of a Physiotherapist by improving adherence to the prescribed exercise regimen. In addition, a Physiotherapist, upon recognizing one or more needs the Client could benefit from health coaching, can refer the Client to a Health Coach.
A list of conditions (or “problems”) one can benefit from health coaching is extensive as it encompasses all conditions for which beneficial changes through behavior modifications can be obtained.
The examples of “simple” changes are listed below: (1) to improve adherence to taking prescribed medications on a regular basis, (2) acquire skills and develop habits of eating healthy, (3) remove unhealthy habits of eating fast foods, (4) exercise regularly.
Other people can come to address the symptoms they experience like “feeling tired, sluggish, with having no energy”, or feeling stressed or “sleeping poorly”.
Many clients come with a desire to address their sedentary lifestyle and willing to start moving, start exercising on a regular basis, and/or to “eat healthy” and experience benefits from such a change in their lifestyle.
Those who wish to improve their chances to continue to live without chronic diseases, will address the lifestyle changes leading to a reduction of developing chronic diseases like diabetes, hypertension, excessive body weight, cardiovascular disease etc.
The optimization of management of chronic diseases through improved lifestyle behaviors is another very much desired area where people demand support from health coaches.
Similarly, health coaches can support through coaching clients who desire to abolish their “vices” like smoking tobacco or excessive use of alcohol.
If a potential Client has other health and wellness issues that they wonder if we can assist with, please contact us for a Complementary Discovery Session!
- To improve overall health by eating healthy and exercising regularly,
- to lose and keep weight off,
- to reduce risk factors (or to improve management) of chronic diseases like diabetes hypertension, heart disease, osteoarthritis and pre-diabetes,
- to improve energy, sleep and to reduce stress.
Services of health coaches are NOT covered through a public health care like British Columbia’s MSP.
The Clients willing to get these services are responsible for the coaching fees.
The fees depend on the package purchased and its content.
As our Coaches are certified and registered by the Health Coach Alliance, some Clients who have extended Health Care Benefit plans (e.g. Green Shield, BC Blue Cross, Manulife, Great West Life) may get reimbursed a portion of wellness coaching fees using the plan benefits for wellness.
Client should contact their insurers to clarify what their coverage is.