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Holistic Health Coaching

The concept of Wellness is one of the hottest topics for a discussion. But how to assess someone’s wellness? One of methods for its assessment is the use of Wheel of Wellness (WofW). We often use a WofW with 8 areas shown here:


  • Sleep
  • Hobbies
  • Psychological
  • Nutrition
  • Professional
  • Spiritual
  • Relationships
  • Physical Fitness

You can readily self-assess your Wellness:

Please take a moment to reflect and rate

Yourself on how well you are handling certain

aspects of your life… Just mark from 1 (very low)

to 10 (excellent) for each area by drawing a line

within each pertinent sector. Thank you.

Upon a completed assessment, you will engage with the coach in a collaborative discussion to identify the roots for not scoring well in the areas of your concern. Then, you and your coach will co-create several possible solutions, possibly by brainstorming, or by you identifying the steps to make changes in the right direction. SMART GOALS, action steps and soon you will set yourself on your path to wellness with the coach supporting you all the way. After accomplishing one goal, you will work on another, sometimes simultaneously on a couple of your goals. Your lifestyle habits will become healthy, your area(s) of concern will be addressed. Then you can choose to work with your Coach towards the goals directed to improve your habits in another area.       

The same process may apply to people who do very well in several areas of Wellness (e.g., SLEEP, PROFESSIONAL, SPIRITUAL, RELATIONSHIPS, NUTRITION, etc.) and would like to improve lifestyle habits pertinent to the remaining areas of WELLNESS (assume, e.g. Physical Fitness, Psychological, Hobbies etc.). The ratings on your own Wheel of Wellness are the good snap-shot indications what you would like to work on with us: we are here to help you to improve your lifestyle habits in the areas of your choice where you feel there is a need.

We will guide you along your healthy Lifestyle Habit transformation journey. Please contact us to schedule a Complementary Discovery Session to talk about your desire for wellness improvement.

What is Holistic Health Coaching? Holistic coaching is a powerful form of wellness coaching. This coaching approaches every aspect of a person’s life – body, mind, and spirit. It can help you achieve your full potential, activate your spiritual power, and make transformational changes., all for the better…

The Coach gently and respectfully guides the Client who makes steps, initially ‘baby’ steps and by making the changes, starts a needed transformation. With the Coach paying undivided attention to the Client and giving feedback, Client moves on being guided and develops more and more delight as the journey progresses. The Client and Coach form a unique team, they work together through a discussion that is a fabric of the music to which the Client ‘dances with the Coach’ toward a new healthier life and freedom from unhealthy lifestyle of the past, unhealthy habits, toxic relationships, wasted time, un-achieved successes and disappointments.


Discovery the best lifestyle for you with Heavenly Health and Holistic Wellness Coaching.
To get started on your new journey of health please start by booking a discovery session. There is no risk or obligation.


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